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About Dionna

The best feeling, for myself, is knowing that I am selling a product that my customers would enjoy and be 100% satisfied with.
That's how I knew baking was something I wanted to pursue

Hey Everyone!

I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my site and i'd like to take a little time to tell you about my self,


My passion for creating sweet treats was something I stumbled upon my second year of college. (Plus I've always had a sweet tooth.) It started off as just a hobby but turned into something I could see myself making a career out of. I am still currently a college student, although my passion is baking, i have a huge intrest in psychology, which I am majoring in. I am entirely self-taught everything I make has been learned from trial and error. I am currently 20 years old and I look forward to seeing myself progress over the years to come and where this path will take me.


I am especially grateful for my family and friends that have been by biggest supporters and kept me motivated through out my journey. 



Can't wait to see what the future has in store! 


XO- Dionna


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